Terrorism & Hinduism :
Can the slogan ‘All Hindus are not terrorist but most terrorist are Hindus’ be called justified? Absolutely not! We have always been against Islam being shown in this light and will not tolerate this for Hinduism also... |
Trust & Justice :
People with vision can see how in today's world same things have become worthless which were earlier our priorities. Materially rich but morally and spiritually poor world is devaluing important and fundamental rules of our life. |
Love Jihad, love Crusade and Love Karseva :
Entire world still remembers which is bare fact of Sir Allama Iqbal's line that “Mazhab Nahi Sikhata aapas me Bair Rakhna” (Religion does not teach fights among each other). |
The path to get close to Allah is to have patience and maintain salah.
Who is it after all who does not require the help of Allah? Help of that Allah to whom belongs all that there is in the world; who creates humans from a lifeless form and then makes this human disappear in such a way that they never seem to have existed. |
Shall I inform you of something better than that?
The religion of Islam is in accordance with the nature of the human being and almost all of its principal are easy to be accepted and followed by any one possessing a normal state of mind and this is why the principals projected by Islam even in the world is vivid |
Let's Make Our World A Peaceful Place
Interfaith dialogue will bring us closer and help us to remove misconceptions.
The wheel of time is moving very fast, it has the power to change the things and in fact it has brought notable changes in all aspects of human life whether it is socio religious life or economical aspects of human civilization. |
Shall I inform you of something better than that?
The religion of Islam is in accordance with the nature of the human being and almost all of its principal are easy to be accepted and followed by any one possessing a normal state of mind and this is why the principals projected by Islam even in the world is vivid, reasonable and easy to accept. |
Muslim Youth Must Participate in Media
It is a fact, universally acknowledged that current world crises have assumed alarming proportions, leaving everybody in a state of utter awe and fear. The US and its trusted ally, Britain, are seen hell-bent on ensuring world domination through means fair or foul. Yesterday, Sudan and Afghanistan were brutally targeted. Today it is Iraq, which is the victim of their blatant aggression. |
Life of Muhammad (PBUH) : In The Light Of Quranic Verses
When once asked about the life of Muhammad (pbuh) from Hazrat Aisha (ra), she answered,” Have you not read the Holy Quran, his life and action was a moving example of Quranic commandments.” (Bukhari & Ibn Saad at tabqaat-Part-1, pg 175).
About the life of Muhammad (PBUH) Allah, the Almighty says in the Holy quran: |
Men Are Guardians
Man is the guardian of a woman and he has superiority of strength over her. This is a truth which how ever much falsified will never be proven false, When it is the matter of a women's self respect , her self belief and her rights as an individual than Islam does not deny her any of these. |
Ramadan: Spring season for soul
It is a law of nature that if there comes few days in the year that makes life dull and dark, then there are also visits of days that makes it lively, greener and brighter. This is called the season of spring. The spring of the year is a favorite season for many people, and it is certainly easy to understand why this is so. |
Unbelievers & Their Beautiful World
When a person rejects the Oneness and the message of the Lord and surrenders himself to the whims of the devil then the devil overpowers the heart and mind of that person and lead him to the path of disobedience so that human is totally engrossed in the pleasures of the world. |
Though Islam also accords a person to take proper care of oneself, but it does not allow people to turn away from others.
When a child is born into a family, then not only his parents feel happy and celebrate that moment but the huge number of relatives and friends, all cheer the child's arrival and extend their heartfelt wishes. |
Sacrifice: Demand of the people
After a long long time we, the people of West Bengal have seen greenery in the state. Red carpet removed and a new era started. And it was the blessing of the unity of Congress Party and the Trinamool Congress. Unfortunately, Nowadays, we the people of West Bengal suffering by hearing nonsense comments from the leaders of these two parties. |
A Quranic Challenge to EVERY Jones Part I
Before I write something about the Quranic Challenge to everyone like Terry Jones, who has burnt the Quran at Florida recently, Here, I present the Introduction of Quran as given by Quran itself. Here are 25 explanatory verses of 25 Surahs’ beginnings. Please note that all of these Surahs of Quran start with Huroof Muqatta'at. |
Life of Muhammad (PBUH) In The Light Of Quranic Verses
When once asked about the life of Muhammad (pbuh) from Hazrat Aisha (ra), she answered,” Have you not read the Holy Quran, his life and action was a moving example of Quranic commandments.” (Bukhari & Ibn Saad at tabqaat-Part-1, pg 175). |
Need To Realize the Importance and Usefulness of Religion
The wheel of time is moving very fast, it has the power to change the things and in fact it has brought notable changes in all aspects of human life whether it is socio religious life or economical aspects of human civilization. |
What is Jibreel International School?
A confluence of old virtues and new beneficial.
What is old? What is virtue?
Oldest is the existence of Allah. All things in this world are in acknowledgement of the presence of this Lord. But the complete awareness of humans is dependent on the choice they make. This criteria gives the human being its distinguishing feature and the ability to be tested. |
What is Jibreel International School?
A confluence of old virtues and new beneficial.
What is old? What is virtue?
Oldest is the existence of Allah. All things in this world are in acknowledgement of the presence of this Lord. But the complete awareness of humans is dependent on the choice they make. This criteria gives the human being its distinguishing feature and the ability to be tested. |
Trust & Justice
People with vision can see how in today's world same things have become worthless which were earlier our priorities. Materially rich but morally and spiritually poor world is devaluing important and fundamental rules of our life. Vital human and moral ethics like trust and justice are also diminishing from us. |
Purity and Cleanliness
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: "Cleanse yourself, for Islam is cleanliness." (Ibn Hayyan.) There is no doubt that the Purity and cleanliness of body and soul is one of the basic commands and demands of Islam. Allah (swt) said in holy Qur’an: Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves. |
Suggestions to not to go to SC for Babri Masjid Issue is Misleading
Finally, Babri mosque and birth place of Ram Title suit decision has been declared by Allahabad High Court after a long wait. The decision came in favour of Hindus and against the Muslims, that is why lawyers of Hindu Maha Sabha came out from court with the announcement of achievement and they shaped their finger as English letter “V”. |
Maulana Sabah Ismail Nadvi conferred Ph.D degree :TEP news bureau
Kolkata: The renowned Islamic scholar and educationist Maulana Sabah Ismail Nadvi was awarded the doctorate degree by the Lucknow University on March 2, 2012. He submitted his thesis in Arabic language titled “ The growth of Arabic language and literature in 20th century Bengal (India) an analytical study”.
'World' of ALLAH is the best choice!
The religion of Islam is in accordance with the nature of the human being and almost all of its principal are easy to be accepted and followed by any one possessing a normal state of mind and this is why the principals projected by Islam even in the world is vivid, reasonable and easy to accept. |
Primary & Secondary Responsibilities of Men - Fulfillment Of Both Leads To A Successful Life
When trouble knocks even the mightiest find themselves in cold sweat. Then as the danger goes on increasing, a person’s condition starts to get worse to the point of realization that saving oneself is not possible. Then as a last resort he turns for help to his only savior. Now he has only one road to safety and that is the road towards Allah. |